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EDITORIAL: Vote Asay, McNally in Bernards Township

In Bernards Township, voters will elect two members of the Township Committee from a field of four candidates on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Compared to most other towns, the township is on a roll. It was ranked by as the fourth “hottest” real estate market in the nation, and by Safewise as the second safest town in New Jersey.

There hasn’t been much to get upset about, with a notable exception being the ongoing proposal for a manufacturing plant with 16 loading docks on Allen Road.

As challengers, Democrats Elizabeth Graner and Adam Subervi need to give voters a reason to choose them over Republican incumbents Jennifer Asay and Andrew McNally, so they have pounced on the manufacturing plant controversy. They have also tried to expand it into larger concerns about “overdevelopment.”

While both Democrats have impressive credentials and ideas, their campaign has posted online videos that are misleading.

For instance, a claim that the GOP-dominated committee rezoned a site for high-density housing does not mention that the move was driven by the state’s affordable housing mandate. Another video claims the committee “dropped the ball” on a sidewalk proposal that it actually approved.

That’s not to say that Asay and McNally are immune from scrutiny. The level of activism by the GOP majority can be over the top. The number of new programs and initiatives borders on dizzying, and the practice of honoring multiple groups and individuals with resolutions and speeches at every meeting is atypical compared to past committee practice and the way other local governing bodies conduct business.

Still, Asay and McNally have shown exceptional dedication and deserve a share of the credit for the township’s current success. They have shown initiative in planning for future development, addressing concerns about crime, boosting local businesses and communicating with the public.

On Nov. 5, vote for Asay and McNally in Bernards Township.


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